Importing Will Data

When you import Will data into Estate Projections, the system will auto fit the Will data into the Net Worth section. Currency will be auto converted to SGD and each imported asset/liability will be assigned a growth/interest rate based on asset/liability type. These can be further fine tuned by clicking on the "..." of each asset.

For insurance data which is imported from the Will, you will need to edit the imported numbers as the system is currently unable to differentiate between the cash value and death payout of the plan (from the Will data).

There are 2 ways to import Will data:

1. From within the Will drafting tool

Load the Will, go to the Select Clauses tab and click "Save and review Will". Then click on "Create Estate Projections".

2. From within the Estate Projections tool

You can click on "Proceed by importing Will" when you first create a new Estate Projection profile.

Or if you have already created a profile, you may click on the top right menu icon to select "Import Will data"

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