Snap Inputs

Snap inputs let you quickly simulate a scenario with a fixed set of inputs that can be easily edited. For highly customizable simulations, e.g. lost of income or an insurance payout, you can create them under the Simulation page.

Snap Inputs are located on the left panel of the Charts page. You can use Snap Inputs:

  • To quickly present a basic projection without going into the details
  • To quickly introduce changes

The behaviour of each input, such as the increment rate and period, can also be edited by clicking on ". . ." to show more options. You can toggle them On/Off to show their effects on the chart.

Snap Inputs Usage
+ Gross Salary
    Adds an  Income of type "Gross Salary"
Earn more
Increase Gross Salary by $X amount
+ Other Income
    Adds an  Income of type "Other Income"
Save more / Spend less
Increase Other Income by $X amount
+ Expense
    Adds an  Expense of type "Other Expense"
Spend more
Increase Other Expense by $X amount
+ Investment Lumpsum
    Adds an  Asset of type "Investment"

+ Investment Top-Up
    Adds a Top-up into the above investment
Set initial investment
Create an initial investment of $X value

Invest more
Do periodic top-up of $X into this investment

Investment Lumpsum is essentially the starting value of an investment while Top-Up adds more money into this investment, to grow at the same R.O.I.


There are many ways to use the snap inputs to quickly bring across your point. Below is an example to present a basic projection without going into too much details yet highlight the importance of investing.

For a client who earns $10k/month and spend $6k/month in total, you can add into Snap Inputs:

+ Gross Salary = $10,000 /mth+ Expense = $6,000 /mth

This will quickly generate into the charts to show when the client will run out of money if the surplus is not invested (e.g. when the Net Worth line becomes $0 at around age 70).

Say, if the client were to invest $3,000 /mth,  you can add into Snap Inputs:

+ Investment Top-Up = $3,000 /mth

The chart will update instantly to show that the money now last longer (e.g. until around age 80).

You can also click on the ". . ." to edit the R.O.I of the investment from 4.5% to 6% for higher risk investment and the money will last even longer (e.g. until around age 90).

This is one quick way to get the conversation started. From here on, you can turn on CPF and Tax calculations, key in a detailed break down of the client's finances to model it more accurately.

Tip: Remember to always save your progress! To do so, simply click the save button in the top right corner of the screen. This will store your inputs safely in the cloud, so that you can retrieve them in the event of any unexpected issues.

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