Linked Finances

The " Linked Finances" toggle for an asset creates cash flow that is linked to the asset. There are 4 options:

  • Income
    Cash inflow from the asset but does not drawdown the asset value (e.g. property rental income)
  • Expense
    Cash outflow due to the asset but does not add value to the asset (e.g. property tax)
  • Top-up
    Cash outflow due to the asset which adds value to the asset (e.g. top-up money into bank account)
  • Withdraw
    Cash inflow from the asset which is drawdown from the asset value (e.g. withdraw money from bank account)

Top-up / Withdraw directly adds / removes value from the asset (e.g. your investment fund) while income / expense does not affect the asset value at all. The table below summarises their effect on Cash Savings and Asset Value:

Cash Savings Asset Value
Income + Increase no change
Expense - Decrease no change
Top-up - Decrease + Increase
Withdraw + Increase - Decrease

You can add multiple linked finances for each asset. These linked finances that are added will automatically terminates at the end of the Holding Period configured within the asset (e.g. after the asset sell-off / Terminate).

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