Can I put forth instructions in my Will for my sibling who is my beneficiary to take care of our parents?

In general, assets directly distributed to a beneficiary through a Will are considered his/hers which will be up to him/her to do what he/she wants with it

Alternatively, you can give the estate (or part of it) to a testamentary trust as per this article below:

Otherwise, if the intention is to give to the sibling whilst putting instructions for the sibling to take care of the parents, there are two ways to go about this.

Option 1: Putting it as a "wish"

A softer approach will be to put it forth as a "wish", which is practical if the family is harmonious (e.g. you, the sibling, and the parents are on good terms).

Under Select Clauses >> Other Instructions, key in the following:

It is my wish that my {Relationship}, {Name}, {Identification Number/details} assume the responsibility of caring for our parents, and attending to their daily living needs until their passing.


Option 2: Putting it as a "condition"

Another approach will be to put it forth as a "condition" whereby failure shall result in the forfeiture of the inheritance.

While this can be worded in your Will, it might be hard to enforce in practice.

Under Select Clauses >> Other Instructions, key in the following:

It is a condition of this distribution that my {Relationship}, {Name}, {Identification Number/details} assume the responsibility of caring for our parents, and attending to their daily living needs until their passing. Failure to fulfill this obligation shall result in forfeiture of the inheritance allocated to {Name} under this Will, with such forfeited portion passing on to the individual who assumes responsibility for the care of our parents as determined by my executor.

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