How Can I Determine the Type of Ownership of My Property (e.g., Joint Tenancy, Tenancy-in-Common)?

The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) maintains property records and provides access to property-related information. Within their website, the VIEW MY PROPERTY INFORMATION ONLINE e-service enables you to view the information for the private properties and or the HDB properties with digitised records registered in your name. You will also be able to download for free the title documents and the plans for your properties.

VIEW MY PROPERTY INFORMATION e-servce, Singapore Land Authority website

There is no fee to view the documents for properties you own. Simply log in and access the "VIEW MY PROPERTY INFORMATION ONLINE" e-service on their website under "MyProperty >> View Properties." If you are not the owner of the property, you can still pay a fee to search for property ownership information (POI).

You should contact SLA at

if you require any further assistance.

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