[OLD CREDIT SYSTEM] How does the 5 credit waiver work and how do I know if I have achieved it?

For our Certified Estate Planners who have signed up much earlier through the old credit system (Will credits have to be purchased separately); the then-yearly renewal fee of $200 will be waived so long as you managed to expend at least 5 credits each year (counting from the date you were appointed to one day before the next renewal date). 

You were appointed on 18 January 2019. To hit the waiver, you will need to expend at least 5 credits in the period between 18 January 2019 - 17 January 2020 [latest by 23:59:59]. 

To check if you hit the requirements, simply go to Settings Payment & Account; under CEP Renewal Settings you will be able to see the next renewal period, the number of credits you have spent this period and if you have managed to hit the requirements.

We will also send you a monthly statement to remind you on how much you have sent etc., so try not to leave it to the last minute or worse, miss it.

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