Who can search for/view the Will AFTER the testator has passed away?

The WILLS Registry, maintained by Singapore Academy of Law, is a confidential registry where testators (people making a will) or their solicitors can deposit information on WILLS. The WILLS Registry, maintained by Singapore Academy of Law, is a confidential registry. 
The information deposited with the WILLS Registry is protected. For this reason, information at the Registry will only be released to solicitors acting for the testator or his estate and to the next-of-kin upon the death of the testator.
In terms of the contents within the actual Will, other than professionals who drafted the Will or handle the application for the Grant of Probate, the Executor(s) will also be able to read the contents of the Will in order to carry out the instructions within. For all other parties, it is up to the Executor(s)' discretion to disclose in full / choose not to disclose / disclose only relevant sections of the Will to interested parties (e.g. beneficiaries) depending on the circumstances. Naturally, this does not amount to the executor abusing his power in making the Will "public" unnecessarily.

Regardless, any relevant party (e.g. a beneficiary or guardian etc.) can apply to Court to "produce the will or document at the registry, or attend at a time named before a court, for the purpose of being examined in relation to the will or document."

Source: Section 54 Probate and Administration Act 1934, Singapore Statutes Online

Additionally, request may also be made to Court (subject to approval) to inspect case files.

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