Booking Services for LPA (Form 1) and AMD - Atlas Associates Clinic

Service Provider - Atlas Associates Clinic

Atlas Associates Clinic is dedicated to providing quality primary care services to our patients. We believe in providing personalised care, tailored to the individual needs of our patients. Our goal is to ensure that every patient receives the best possible medical care and treatment.

Contact Details

Venue 1 Grange Road, #10-01 Orchard Building, Singapore 239693 (maps)

Phone +65 6956 6577

WhatsApp +65 8877 3318 / +65 8188 8323


Services & Pricing

  • Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) Form 1. The LPA is a legal document which allows a person who is at least 21 years of age ('Donor'), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons ('Donee(s)') to make decisions and act on his/her behalf if he/she loses mental capacity one day.
  • Advance Medical Directive. An Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that you sign in advance to inform the doctor treating you (in the event you become terminally ill and unconscious) that you do not want any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment to be used to prolong your life.

Services Discounted Rates
LPA (form 1) S$ 50 (U.P. S$79)
AMD S$ 30 (U.P. S$45)
Bundle of LPA (form 1) & AMD S$ 70

Booking Process

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  1. Scan the QR code to book an appointment for LPA/AMD at Atlas Associates Clinic.
  2. Choose your preferred date and time of the appointment.
  3. Log in with your preferred email account to register an account on our clinic system (Plato).
  4. Fill in your name, contact number, and choose referred by to enjoy the discounted rates.
  5. An email will be sent to the email account that you have registered on our clinic system.
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