Booking Services for LPA (Form 1) and AMD - Speedoc

Receiving quality medical care and services should never be a hassle. You shouldn’t have to wait for hours at the hospital, nor figure out where, when, and how to get the right care. Speedoc optimises their doctor home visits to ensure you get the highest quality of care at your fingertips, and specifically for Estate Planning including but not limited to the following services:

  • Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) Form 1. The LPA is a legal document which allows a person who is at least 21 years of age ('Donor'), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons ('Donee(s)') to make decisions and act on his/her behalf if he/she loses mental capacity one day.
  • Advance Medical Directive. An Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that you sign in advance to inform the doctor treating you (in the event you become terminally ill and unconscious) that you do not want any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment to be used to prolong your life.
  • Mental Capacity Assessment (MCA). A mental capacity assessment is a formal evaluation of an individual's ability to make decisions for themselves. You can also use this assessment as a precautionary measure if there are any doubts about a person's mental capacity before he/she gets his/her Will done.

Promo Codes

Apply the following promo codes in the Speedoc App to enjoy the discount

Consultation Timing Promo Code
Doctor Visit 0800H to 1959H GA2024A
Doctor Visit 2000H to 0759H GA2024B


The pricing displayed here is for reference only and is subject to change based on individual circumstances.

The discounted pricing affects only the pricing for any scheduled onsite doctor's consultation. You can continue to enjoy the discount for other medical services beyond LPA / AMD / MCA. Additional patients can be seen during the same consultation at $109 (inclusive of GST) per person (additional charges for LPA / AMD / MCA will apply accordingly).

About Speedoc

Founded in 2017, Speedoc is a virtual clinic and healthcare solutions platform that allows users to seek medical care and services from home.

As a virtual clinic and hospital care provider combining physical-digital services to challenge the traditional centralized, facility-based model, Speedoc believes that this will be the solution for the aging population faced by many countries in the region as the demand for medical care increases. Their services include house call doctors, nurses, medications delivery; and is complemented by telemedicine, remote diagnostics and health monitoring.

Primary Booking Process (via the patient's mobile app)

  1. (if not already done) Download the Speedoc App on App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android) and create an account with Speedoc.
  2. Click on [Book].
  3. Select the date/time of the consultation and the address of the patient accordingly.
  4. Click on [+ Add a symptom] and key in ONLY the services you require accordingly, namely;
    • Lasting Power of Attorney
    • Advance Medical Directive
    • Mental Capacity Assessment
  5. Select [Doctor -- Home Visit] and click on [Next].

  6. At the "Booking Summary Page", under "APPLY CODES" click on [Promo Code  >  ]" and key in the promo codes depending on the time of the consultation requested.

  7. Click on [Book] at the bottom. Please note that the pricing indicated here is before the additional charges depending on the medical services required.

Alternate Booking Process (via email)

Should the patient be unable to book him/herself via the Speedoc App, the Certified Estate Planner (the requestor) can alternatively fill in the booking form -- GETARRANGE BOOKING TEMPLATE  and sending it via email to Speedoc directly using the following format

From: << CEP email>>
cc: -- leave blank --  
bcc: -- leave blank --
Subject: Type of request_getArrange (e.g. "LPA_getArrange" or "MCA_getArrange")
Attachment: GETARRANGE BOOKING TEMPLATE (download this form by clicking on the link, fill in and save the form before attaching to the email)


I would to request for a Doctor Home Visit for my client. Details as attached in the booking form.

Thank you.

<<CEP Name>>
Certified Estate Planner (

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