Are the individual assets entered into the platform shown in my Will?

For assets with no "Additional Instructions" AND "No specific allocation", they will NOT appear in the Will (to minimise clutter).

Example of no "Additional Instructions" AND "No specific allocation"

These assets will be reflected in the asset list, to be used as a reference to fill in the Schedule of Assets form for the Grant of Probate application.

This asset list is not part of the Will and is not to be submitted as part of the Will when applying for Grant of Probate. It is to be used as a reference to fill in the Schedule of Assets form.

For assets where there are additional instructions AND/OR a specific allocation, they will appear in the Will. Regardless, the market value will NOT appear in the actual Will. Distribution by default is by the entire asset or as a percentage, which is not affected by the market value.

Example of specific allocation (Platform)
Example of specific allocation (Will)
Example of Additional Instructions (Platform)
Example of Additional Instructions (Will)
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