- Do I have to sign the Will the same date as when it is generated?
- Can a sibling/grandparent/relative appoint a guardian for a minor through a Will?
- How do I instruct my Testamentary Trust's Trustee to seek a particular financial advisor’s for assistance
- How to key in to include all accounts from a particular bank
- Can I give my property to my beneficiaries who do not own their own residential property?
- How do I include a photo/picture of an asset in my Will?
- How do I give individual shares in an investment account?
- What if I have Last Words which I do not want anyone other than a few selected people to know about?
- How do I add a new Beneficiary / Executor / Guardian / Person?
- What if I'm unsure what category of assets it falls under? What happens if I key wrongly?
- Are there any special arrangements for the Will if the testator is visually impaired?
- How do I instruct that my property be held in trust, rented out if the market is unfavourable, and then sold when it becomes favourable?
- How do I have the Guardian act jointly with the surviving parent BUT for the Substitute Guardian(s) to come in only if no parents survives?
- How do I indicate a monthly payout to a particular person only if he/she assumes the role of guardian to my minor child(ren)?
- How do I instruct in my Will assets given to “dead beneficiaries” be redistributed EQUALLY within a particular group of surviving beneficiaries instead of redistributing PROPORTIONATELY as Residual Assets?
- How do I split my estate (based on the net market value) equally between two parties whilst specifically giving a property to only one of them?
- How do I put a generic instruction for all my joint assets to go to the surviving joint owners?
- How do I give jewellery to a group of people for them to divide the pieces among themselves?
- How do I instruct my Executor(s)/Trustee(s) to seek a particular financial advisor’s assistance for certain beneficiary(s) who may have challenges managing large sums of monies?
- What if I do not have a handphone number to key into "Update Profile"?